
Next Steps Lunch

Designed to be a relaxing time where guests who have recently started attending NLC can come and enjoy a meal with the pastors and their wives, hear a little more about what makes NLC unique, our heartbeat, our vision, and how you can continue to get connected to Jesus and His Church. You can contact the church office for the upcoming lunches.

Discovery Classes

Have you ever started to get involved with something and you get to the point where you say, “OK, what’s next?” This is what our “Discovery Classes” are all about.

Our goal is to help people discover the answers to their questions about faith and our church. We will answer questions like, “How does a person begin a relationship with God", “How can a person grow in what it means to be a follower of Jesus,” and “How can I get involved here at church?” We will answer these and other questions in our three Discovery Classes. You can contact the church office for the dates for these upcoming classes.

Life Group

Life Groups are the backbone of New Life Church. Our Life Groups are designed to help each of us make deep relationships while also discussing the sermon from that week. Groups meet at various times and in various locations throughout the week. For more information about connecting with a life group, contact the church.

Heritage Hour

As New Life Church moves into the future, we want to honor and reflect on the rich past that has led us to today. Our weekly Heritage Hour is designed to honor that past heritage as we participate in studying God's Word and singing the old hymns of our faith.

We meet Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the Thompson Room.